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screen shoot :

requitment :

  • OS : Windows XP/7
  • Processor : 2.4 Ghz or better
  • RAM : 1 Gb
  • HDD : 2 Gb
  • VGA : Gforce FX series or better
kelebihan  :

  • merupakan versi terbaru
  • tambahan karakter baru
  • weapon baru lengkap dengan kunikan masing2 senjata
  • tambahan HUMAN MODE
  • perbaikan zombie mode, zombie texture dll

download di sini :
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4

pass mediafire:  alisoftware

GAMES......(Megamen X4)

 Mega Man XZ: The Maverick Hunters > Mega Man X Series > Mega Man X4
Mega Man X4
» Intro
As the first X game to appear on the Sony Playstation, Mega Man X4 introduces new 32-bit graphics, superb music and sound effects, as well as huge stages and an intriguing storyline. This time, you'll be able to play as X or Zero for the entire game, giving the game two unique storylines to follow.
» Story
Many, many years have now passed since Sigma's third defeat and the death of the renowned Reploid scientist Dr. Doppler. After Sigma's plan to use Doppler to spread the Maverick virus failed, Reploids X and Zero have begun to help build a world where no Mavericks exist. Since then, the Reploids are now living in peace with humans, and many large Reploid armies have formed, each one at peace with one another and growing every day. The Maverick Hunters, ever growing, have begun to wipe out the remaining Maverick resistance, and have been heralded as the keepers of the peace. One of the largest and strongest Reploid armies, known as the Repliforce, have developed strong ties with the Maverick Hunters, with their similar ways in honor and the desire for peace. In particular, Zero has befriended one of the leaders of Repliforce, Colonel, so much so that they have become fast friends, and Zero has shown affection for Colonel's sister Iris. Together, the Maverick Hunters and Repliforce protect the world from the Mavericks and ensure peace, but little did they know that their loyalty toward each other was about to be tested. Before long, the Maverick Hunters receive a report that the Sky Lagoon, a floating city in the sky, has been sabotaged to cause it to slam into the city below. All intelligence showed that Repliforce were suspected to be behind the plot. X and Zero respond immediately, heading out to the Sky Lagoon to find answers, little realizing that the true Mavericks are about to pit the Hunters and Repliforce against each other, in a bid to wipe out both sides, unless the Hunters can discover who is really behind the plot before all is lost...
» Game Specs
Mega Man X and Zero return in this all-new action adventure as the first MMX game to appear on the Playstation. Bringing with it all the graphics, sound and gameplay of the first three, X4 introduces rich new graphics and sound, as well as a new style of challenging gameplay. You'll be able to take control of either X or Zero during the entire game, each character has their own unique storyline, so you'll want to play through the game with both characters to experience the full storyline. New characters are introduced, including the main cast of the Repliforce, as well as new Mavericks waiting to try their luck against X and Zero. Dr. Light will be waiting in the special capsules hidden throughout the game, each one containing a vital upgrade for X's body armor. X and Zero must challenge huge bosses, both Maverick and Repliforce, before confronting the real mastermind behind the plot to bid the Hunters and Repliforce against each other. Energy hearts, sub-tanks, special Robot Ride Armor suits, special weapons and techniques await X and Zero, all the items capable of giving both characters higher advantages in battle. Before the end of their quest, X and Zero's loyalty to the Hunters and their friends, as well as each other will be tested to the very core...
Mega Man X4
Game Information:
Release Date:
» Japan: 1st August 1997
» USA: 7th July 1997
» Europe: 1997
» Sony Playstation
» Sega Saturn
CD Media:
» 1 Disc
» Capcom
» Action
Jetbike over the ocean
Climbing the waterfall
Exploration in outer space
Battle under the white moon
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                             File Size : 24.87 MB
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GAMES......(Sinic Adventure DX)

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